Monday, March 21, 2016


  So after the downer that was Thursday and Friday (due to work) the weekend was a mixed bag.

  Can't be arsed writing too much. Things I wanted to jot down are :-


- Constant demands made on me. Examples this weekend include cleaning out the walk-in robe, training and walking dogs, putting in new grocery shop, etc etc.


  Seems like every time I get in the car I am subjected to something about PhD.

  Drives me nuts about how I get asked about every little thing.  Does my hair look oily today???  WT actual fuck?  It's not that I don’t care how G looks but I'm not qualified to answer that question and even though every time it's asked I say no, I still get asked.

  What are we having for lunch?  I'd be happy with a vegemite roll or beans on toast but no,... it's got to be a bloody production.

  I'm not sure if it is a real compatibility issue or wether it's just the women are from Venus, men are from Mars thing.


  On a better note - rediscovered an app on my phone called 'buddhify' that has short mindfullness/meditation things for various situations.  Like 5 to 12 min durations.  I've tried it a couple of times when trying to get to sleep and I made it to the end of the 5min one but was out well before the 12min one completed.  It has a number of other situations to use it so I think I'll be using it a bit more often.


   Monday morning - not off to a great start at work.,  have got a please explain for productivity at work on Friday and a meeting scheduled for Tuesday arvo with the boss.  Fantastic.  This is one of those times when the dip in mood is probably not consistent with the actual situation and I need to not let it completely fuck up my whole day if not my whole week. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

points that need to be expanded on

Things that shat me today.

  • Couldn't get a doc appt today so I couldn't get a script or a Mental Health Plan.  I wanted to get this done as I've found a vegan psychologist that I think I wanna see.  Have made appt for Sunday morning but I was hoping to get it sorted today.
  • Couldn't fix the wheelchair today, so now I need to find time during the week to do it.  So after a wasted trip to get it fixed ended up at Marion, which is not what I had in mind.  I wanted to go home and chill, sleep, coffee, whatever but Gabby wanted to go out.  
  • fucking mouse on the iMac.  Constantly dropping connection.  Might need a new one and they are $129
  • Every time we got in the car or I tried to relax on the tram she would start rabbiting on about her PhD.  And after each monologue the four words that make my heart sink everytime.... "What Do You Think?"  It's like I never get break from it. I was sitting eating dinner wringing my hands and fidgeting and trying to observe the crowd passing but whenever I didn't maintain eye contact i got grief. Just wanted to skip out around the corner and get a pint.
  • Finished watching First Dog On the Moon show and had communication issues with Gabby.  I wanted to eat, she wanted to take her time and look around the Garden.  I thought we did that but she didn't.
  • And then after a relatively nice evening, a couple of Fringe shows and dinner etc.  Wifey chose that moment to figure out that Easter meant she was likely to lose some tutoring hours.  She knows she is anxious about money and when I suggested she talk to a counsellor I got the "Well I'm talking to you about it."
  • When we got home and all i wanted to do was chill with dogs and then go to bed, wifey got on rower and told me to train dogs.  Argument ensued, I caved and trained dogs.  Then it moved on to what are our  priorities - backyard, lounge, gym, flooring etc.
  • Frustrates me no end.
Was very happy with Trouble at his day of advanced training though - did very well.  Mischief did well with our own training at home.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Sleepy struggle

  Today was a bit of a struggle.  Dober dogs were given run of the house last night and they bailed up Max cat at half past midnight, barking up a storm and setting off the rest of the house.  This was just as I had drifted off to sleep and it really messed me up for today.  Slept in an extra 20mins and it put me behind.
  More Fringe action tonight. Don't even know what wifey has booked us into, but we haven't had a dud show yet.
  Tomorrow has Trouble attending his first Level 2 training session.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Small wins

  A bit disappointed with myself last night - less than a week after getting drunk I gave in and purchased a 6 & had 4 of them before sleep.  Not good, especially seeing as how good I've been feeling the last few days.  Still need to work on this.
  On a happier note - experiment with the Dober doggies seemed to work ok.  Didn't put them in the bathroom to sleep but did still keep the bedroom off limits.  No major dramas, went ok.  Slowly slowly we are getting them to behave the way we need in order to have a relaxing household.
  Managed to get up in time to cook wifey some hash browns which was appreciated.  Wifey seemed to be in a good mood.  I wasn't in a rush to get to work and snuck in a visit to Cherry Darlings for a sausage roll and banana & coconut milkshake. Win.
  Have also finished up at Blackwoood Fitness - which is a load off my shoulders.  I'm having a good week, still haven't done anything resembling training or exercise but I seem to be on a slowly upward spiral.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

  So the going to bed earlier thing didn't quite work last night. Was asleep after midnight...  Did make a good decision not to watch the latest episode of 11.22.63 which I'll take as a win in the #betterdecisions department.
  This morning I still didn't get up right when the alarm went off, but did get up about 10mins later.  No drama, made it to the gym on time only to get a text from my 0645 client at 0640 that their car had broken down and they wouldn't be coming.... I was still getting paid but would've rather not been there.  Also noticed that there was an old german shepherd in the car next to me.  Had been there for almost an hour.  The window was down, the back seats were laid out nice and flat and he had blankets and toys.  It wasn't hot so I decided it was ok.  Not something I'd do but he looked a bit old and was probably good that he got out a bit with his owner.
  Coffee is kicking in, I'm nice and early at work, all is good for today so far, client no show aside.

Monday, March 7, 2016

  This morning was less of a shitfight than normal.  Woke up a little bit earlier than absolutely required and it resulted in more time to get ready, feed animals and get out the door.  Even managed a few minutes in front of the computer.  Traffic was crapper than usual but it wasn’t such an issue because I had the time and could ‘just motor’ as my dad would say.

  Best thing I say this morning were the galahs along War Memorial Drive and a lovely couple pulling their elderly dog along in a trailer, like one might use to move pot plants about.  I was really happy that there are people like that out there that care so much for their animals.

  I’m trying to approach this week in as positive a manner as possible and it will start from getting up a little earlier.  Posts on social media will be helpful for the main part, yet I’ll also try some activism if it’s at all possible.  Eating will be healthier and I’ll try and do little things at home to keep up maintenance.  Even if it’s just making sure that the washing up is done or I vacuum the cat gym.  Oh and also keep up the dog training, just a few minutes each night.

  The drinking of more water is vital as well – I feel so much clearer and focused.


  I really think that is the key to me getting on top of things.  Just taking nibbles at a time, ticking boxes even if they are small boxes.