Monday, March 21, 2016


  So after the downer that was Thursday and Friday (due to work) the weekend was a mixed bag.

  Can't be arsed writing too much. Things I wanted to jot down are :-


- Constant demands made on me. Examples this weekend include cleaning out the walk-in robe, training and walking dogs, putting in new grocery shop, etc etc.


  Seems like every time I get in the car I am subjected to something about PhD.

  Drives me nuts about how I get asked about every little thing.  Does my hair look oily today???  WT actual fuck?  It's not that I don’t care how G looks but I'm not qualified to answer that question and even though every time it's asked I say no, I still get asked.

  What are we having for lunch?  I'd be happy with a vegemite roll or beans on toast but no,... it's got to be a bloody production.

  I'm not sure if it is a real compatibility issue or wether it's just the women are from Venus, men are from Mars thing.


  On a better note - rediscovered an app on my phone called 'buddhify' that has short mindfullness/meditation things for various situations.  Like 5 to 12 min durations.  I've tried it a couple of times when trying to get to sleep and I made it to the end of the 5min one but was out well before the 12min one completed.  It has a number of other situations to use it so I think I'll be using it a bit more often.


   Monday morning - not off to a great start at work.,  have got a please explain for productivity at work on Friday and a meeting scheduled for Tuesday arvo with the boss.  Fantastic.  This is one of those times when the dip in mood is probably not consistent with the actual situation and I need to not let it completely fuck up my whole day if not my whole week. 

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